Progress Report: Slow Carb Week 3

My greatest weakness.

Last week was rough. After a serious effort to eat everything in sight, I managed to gain about five pounds and wasn’t able to return to my lowest weight until the this week’s binge day. I’m told the weight comes from refined carbs retaining water. I tried drinking lots of extra water, but it didn’t seem to have an effect. When I added sauerkraut and kimchee to my meals, things finally started to come back down. This week I only lost .2 lbs, but I’ve also been taking all kinds of measurements, and my waist is about a half inch smaller – so I’ll take it.

Yesterday was my cheat day for this week, and while I didn’t down half a gooey butter cake, I was still sure to indulge in some of the finer things – pancakes for breakfast, pizza for lunch, gnocchi for dinner and a few beers for good measure. I gained 2.5 lbs so I’m feeling pretty good going into this last week of the first month.

Next month I’m thinking of adding beer back to the diet so I can determine how it effects my results. But first, I’ve got one more week of doing it by the book.

See also: Week 1, Week 2

About Ken

An average guy trying to get fit without getting bored.
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