Looking for Motivation

I'm pretty sure that cat does not have the upper body strength to remedy this situation and it will inevitably fall. Is that the message I'm supposed to learn? Resistance is futile. You will fail.

As the earlier posts in this blog point out, I struggle with motivation. I seem to be able to stick to a workout program for around 60-90 days, then life catches up with me, throws me a curve ball, and while I wait for the dust to settle, I end up off track and unmotivated to work out (there were about a brazillion cliché’s in that sentence, my apologies.)

Earlier this month, I spent beginning of the month traveling for work. I managed to stick to my workouts and keep up with my running. Last week was full of poor planning and other obstacles that could have been avoided, but weren’t. And this week I don’t really have any excuses. I ran all my runs, but only did one body weight workout.  I guess it’s not that big of a deal that I ran three days and worked out one day, but my goal is always three days weight training, three days running.

So I’m heading into May with the hopes of shaking off the dust and starting over. I’ve outlined a list of goals for May:

1. Lift heavy things 2-3x a week.
2. Run 20+ miles a week.
3. Eat 80% whole foods. (foods in their original state, e.g. vegetables, fruit, meat, rice)
4. Eat 20% processed foods. (foods that require manipulation, e.g. bread, cheese, sausage)
5. Avoid sugar and fried food.

About Ken

An average guy trying to get fit without getting bored.
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