
Now with "natural" labrador flavor.

So last week was a bit rough. First, as I mentioned earlier, my foot was giving me a bit of trouble. I’ve been taking care of it as best I can, and I’m happy to say, there’s been no pain all week, so hopefully it was just a sprain, and not something more serious.

Monday my wife and I went for a run, but it was cut short due to my wife experiencing some symptoms of a recurring back injury. Choosing to play it safe, we decided to walk after about three miles and recoup. I’m pretty sure we prevented further injury to both of us as it was probably unwise of me to run on my hurt foot the day after a 14-mile run. When I got back to the loft, I squeezed in a Chest & Back workout, which turned out to b e my last lifting day of the week. Not great.

Tuesday was Stone Week in Kansas City. Meaning the Stone Brewery finally started distributing to our state and all my favorite bars were celebrating with tons of Stone on tap. Instead of responsibly coming home and working out that evening, I stuck around half the night and used the release party as an excuse to get together with friends and celebrate.

Wednesday and Thursday I had family in town and little time to squeeze in a workout. Friday my wife and I attempted a trail run, though we cut it short again to play it safe.

Saturday we drove to St. Louis to visit family and friends for Easter weekend. Knowing we would have to do this week over again, we went on a leisure run. We ran from my parent’s house to an old presidential home, then ran on to a trail that runs past the famous Budweiser Clydesdale’s. After stopping to pet a newborn, we ran down a trail that used to be a railroad, through a nearby park with some great back trails, and then looped back to see the horses again. We rarely run just to run, with no set distance or time, it was definitely one of the most fun runs we’ve ever gone on.

This week it’s back to the grind. I ran a bunch of intervals last night and earlier today I did another Chest & Back routine. It’s easy for me to fall off track when I miss some workouts like I did last week, so the real challenge begins now.

About Ken

An average guy trying to get fit without getting bored.
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