Progress Report: Slow-carb Week 2

Coconut gooey butter flourless chocolate cake.

Today I ate: scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, lentils, an orange, a cookie, dried mango, a scone, cake, a breakfast burrito, sour cream, cheese, chips, more cake, chocolate beer, chocolate truffles, more chips, wine, pretzel rolls, red snapper, dirty rice, beer, popcorn, more beer, giant pixi-stix, more cake, and a dram of 12-year-old Linkwood. Oh, and this morning I weighed in at 182.8 – the lowest weight I’ve ever recorded in the past two years, since I started using DailyBurn.

Today was my first full binge day. I woke up, ate a normal slow-carb breakfast (plus an orange) and proceeded to stuff myself for the rest of the day. I learned I haven’t really been missing the foods I’ve cut out of my daily diet. I may think about them from time-to-time, but when I actually get to eat them, I found I wasn’t missing much. Well, except for the cake my wife made me for Valentine’s Day. A combination of gooey butter cake, coconut cream pie and flourless chocolate cake. Had the devil tempted Jesus with this thing, I doubt we’d still be hearing about the guy today. Everything else though… tasty yes, but satisfying? Not really. It was nice to have a few beers and some popcorn at the movies though, I have been missing that.

What’s really crazy is that I lost another four pounds last week. I thought losing five pounds the first week was a fluke. I had been putting in some “last minute” meals the days before the diet – fast food Chinese, french fries, pizza… All the stuff I love. I figured that would add a few extra pounds, as would the water retention from all the carbs. I never expected to lost almost the same amount this week. 183 pounds? Not only that I’m down to 14.5% body fat – I lost 4% body fat in two weeks.

This is insane. My plan is to follow the diet for a month as strict as I possibly can. So far, so good. The most I’ve strayed was from the two cheat meals instead of a cheat day I took last week, but I’m clearly not putting myself too far behind. According to Tim Ferriss in the 4-Hour Body, in one month, I should redistribute 20 pounds. That doesn’t mean losing 20 pounds, but instead losing some weight and gaining some muscle. In two weeks I’m halfway there. I never thought it was possible. I’m still somewhat skeptical, but I guess the results speak for themselves so far.

Can I actually make it below 180 lbs.? At the rate I’m going, I should be blogging about it

What I should look like after today's binge.

next week. But the idea that I could achieve this in three weeks of dieting is too good to be true. Next week is also my first recovery week. I won’t be hitting the heavy weights and I won’t even be upping my distance this week. I honestly don’t know how I’ll recover from all the crap I’ve eaten today. But anything is possible, and what’s another 2.8 pounds anyway?

All I know about this binging stuff is it’s fun while it’s going on but I’m looking forward to a big plate of eggs, spinach and beans for breakfast tomorrow. But in the meantime, there’s another bag of chips in the cupboard with my name on them.

See also: Week 1

About Ken

An average guy trying to get fit without getting bored.
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