Review: P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Plyo Pushups: You'll believe a man can fly.

Chest, shoulders and triceps – probably my least favorite upper body workout. It’s old school weights and pushups, but I find myself finishing reps and skipping ahead as quick as I can.

Chest: The slow motion push-ups are brutal! There aren’t many isometric movements in the weight exercises for P90X (wall squats and chair are all I can think of off the top of my head). These are murderous though. It’s my own fault, I need to stick to them, and when I do I get better. But I still hate them. I prefer the push-ups in Chest & Back.

Shoulders: There are a few straight arm exercises that are pretty brutal – weighted circles, pour flys, and shoulder flys. The other exercises aren’t bad. Pike presses are tough for me because I seem to be unable to bend into the correct angle.

Triceps: The tricep exercises are nothing new, but they seem more effective than the ones in Shoulders & Arms. But I think P90X+ gives you better tricep workouts.

I don’t know why I don’t like this workout very much, it’s a solid weight lifting workout with plenty of push-ups and a few body weight exercises in between. I guess it’s just the mix of workouts and the overall challenge of them. Truth be told, I’m not very good at more than a few of these movements. I guess that means I need to push harder next time.

About Ken

An average guy trying to get fit without getting bored.
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